Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Agama Buddha ialah agama dan falsafah

Agama Buddha ialah agama dan falsafah Pengenalan Agama Buddha ialah agama dan falsafah yang berasaskan ajaran Buddha ÅšÄ kyamuni (SiddhÄ rtha Gautama) yang mungkin lahir pada kurun ke-5 sebelum masihi. Agama Buddha menyebar ke benua India dalam 5 kurun selepas Baginda meninggal dunia. Dalam proses perkembangan agama Buddha, agama ini praktis telah menyentuh hampir seluruh benua Asia. Agama Buddha terus menarik orang ramai menganutnya di seluruh dunia dan mempunyai lebih kurang 350 juta penganut. Agama Buddha dikenali sebagai salah satu agama yang paling besar di dunia. Dalam dua ribu tahun yang seterusnya, agama Buddha telah menyebar ke tengah, tenggara dan timur Asia. Kini, agama Buddha telah dipaparkan sebagai tiga aliran utama, iaitu Theravada, Mahayana, dan Vajrayana (Bajrayana). Latar Belakang dan Kehidupan Buddha Menurut tradisi Buddha, tokoh historis Buddha Siddharta Gautama dilahirkan dari suku Sakya pada awal masa Magadha (546-324 SM), di sebuah kota, selatan pergunungan Himalaya yang bernama Lumbini. Sekarang kota ini terletak di Nepal sebelah selatan. Ia juga dikenal dengan nama Sakyamuni. Setelah kehidupan awalnya yang penuh kemewahan di bawah perlindungan ayahnya, raja Kapilavastu (kemudian hari digabungkan pada kerajaan Magadha), Siddharta melihat kenyataan kehidupan sehari-hari dan membuat kesimpulan bahawa kehidupan nyata, pada hakikatnya adalah kesengsaraan yang tak dapat dihindari. Siddharta kemudian meninggalkan kehidupan mewahnya yang tak ada ertinya lalu menjadi seorang pertapa. Kemudian Baginda berpendapat bahawa bertapa juga tak ada ertinya, dan lalu mencari jalan tengah (majhima patipada ). Jalan tengah ini merupakan sebuah kompromis antara kehidupan berfoya-foya yang terlalu memuaskan hawa nafsu dan kehidupan bertapa yang terlalu menyeksa diri. Di bawah sebuah pohon bodhi, Baginda berkaul tidak akan pernah meninggalkan posisinya sehingga menemui Kebenaran. Pada usia 35 tahun, Baginda mencapai Pencerahan. Pada saat itu Baginda dikenal sebagai Gautama Buddha, atau Buddha(secara harafiah: orang yang telah mencapai Penerangan Sempurna). Untuk 45 tahun selanjutnya, Gautama Buddha telah menyebarkan ajarannya tanpa berhenti di merata-rata tempat. Sejarah Buddhisme di Malaysia Sejarah Buddhisme di Malaysia boleh dibahagikan kepada 2 peringkat: 1. PERINGKAT AWAL: Pada awal kurun Masihi, seperti yang disebutkan oleh Dr. Coedes dalam bukunya, Indianized States of South East Asia, Warisan kebudayaan Orang India di Asia Tenggara dapat dibuktikan daripada corak kebudayaan yang terdapat di Semenanjung dan Tanah Besar Asia Tenggara; Bahasa Sanskrit telah menjadi ansur bahasa tempatan; dan unsur-unsur tradisi orang India masih terdapat di negara-negara yang bertukar kepada Islam. Tetapi Prof. D.G.E. Hall, dalam bukunya A History of South East Asia, percaya bahawa kebanyakan tradisi India telah mengubahsuai apabila bertentangan dengan tradisi tempatan, misalnya sistem kasta tidak pernah dipraktikkan di sini. Akan tetapi fakta ini tidak boleh dihapuskan iaitu aktiviti perdagangan dan perniagaan telah menarik ramai pedagang India datang berdagang di Asia Tenggara. Pedagang-pedagang ini membawa bersama kebudayaan, ugama serta kesenian mereka ke rantau ini. Banyak barangan yang digali dari tanah oleh ahli arkeologi membuktikan bahawa bahagian utara Tanah Melayu, iaitu Negeri Kedah, pernah dipengaruhi oleh kebudayaan awal Buddhisme. Pada pertengahan kurun ke 3 sebelum masihi, selepas Kausil Buddhis Ketiga, Maharaja Asoka telah menghantar dua orang Bhiksu, iaitu Ven. Sona dan Ven. Uttara datang ke rantau ini untuk menyebarkan agama Buddha. Pada kurun yang ke 5, Buddhisme telah berkembang dengan baik di Semenanjung Melayu. Exkavasi arkeologi bukan hanya terhad di Kedah sahaja, tetapi didapati di Kuala Selinsing, Tanjung Rambutan, Lembah Kinta, Bidor dan Sungai Siput di Perak, di Perlis dan juga di Pahang. Langkasuka merupakan sebuah negara Buddhis yang pertama, ia ditubuhkan pada kurun masihi ke 2 dan berpusat di Banjaran Gunung Jelai, kemudian ia mengembangkan kuasanya ke bahagian Selatan Negeri Thai. Pada kurun ke 7, Buddhisme Mahayana telah menjadi sistem Buddhisme yang lebih diterima oleh rakyat Semenanjung Tanah Melayu. Pada masa itu, Tanah Melayu berada di bawah kuasa Srivijaya, sebuah empayar Buddhis yang berpusat di Pulau Jawa. Agama Hindu telah mengalami kebangkitan semula di India pada kurun ke 10, maka Agama Buddha kehilangan sokongan yang diberi oleh istana serta golongan bangsawan. Kejatuhan pengaruhnya di India telah mempengaruhi kekuasaannya di Asia Tenggara. Pada akhir abad ke 12, empayar Srivijaya mengalami kejatuhan, begitu juga halnya dengan pengaruh Buddhisme. Pada awal kurun ke 10, Parameswara mendirikan Empayar Melaka. Apabila Parameswara dan Raja-Raja lain menganuti Agama Islam, agama tersebut telah menjadi agama utama di rantau ini. Sehingga abad ke 15, Islam telah berjaya mengambil alih kedudukan Buddhisme sebagai agama yang utama diterima oleh istana dan rakyat biasa, lantas Buddhisme di Tanah Melayu pada masa itu mengalami kemerosotan. Walaupun begitu, masih terdapat banyak peninggalan kebudayaan Buddhisme di Kedah, Perlis dan Kelantan akibat pengaruh Negeri Thai. Unsur-unsur Buddhisme masih terbukti dalam drama Menora dan wayang kulit. 2. PERINGKAT KOMTEMPORARI: Penghijrahan beramai-ramai orang China ke Tanah Melayu pada abad ke 17 merupakan arus ombak yang kedua. Pada masa itu, Buddhisme hanya merupakah upacara amalan yang penuh dengan kepercayaan dan kebudayaan Cina. Hanya pada tahun 1950, barulah terdapat penganut Buddha yang cuba meningkatkan status dan kedudukan Buddhisme. Dengan tertubuhnya banyak organisasi buddhis, termasuk YBAM (Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia) dan MBA (Malaysian Buddhist Association), maka wujudlah satu suasana yang baru yang menyatupadukan para Buddhis. Satu perkembangan lain yang penting ialah terdapatnya pengaliran masuk bentuk-bentuk Buddhisme yang dipengaruhi oleh kebudayaan-kebudayaan Thai, Sri Langka, Burma, Jepun dan Tibet. Ini telah membentuk Buddhisme di Malaysia yang pelbagai rupa bentuk. Kesimpulan Buddha adalah benar sama rata kepada semua. Setiap lapisan masyarakat tidak kira kaya atau miskin, semuanya dianggap sama rata dalam mata Buddha. Agama Buddha tidak mengabaikan agama lain atau mengutuk agama lain sebagai agama jahat. Dalam ajaran agama Buddha, kenyataan dan ilmu yang diajar bukannya perintah yang mestinya dituruti. Sesiapa yang tidak faham boleh mengemukakan soalannya dan soalan ini akan dijelaskan sehingga mencapai kefahamannya. Buddha pernah berkata: Keraguan yang besar akan mendapat lebih banyak pengajaran, keraguan yang sedikit akan mendapat pengajaran yang sedikit, manakala jika tiada keraguan, maka tiada pengajaran yang boleh dicapai. Rujukan http://ms.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agama_Buddha http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sejarah_agama_Buddha http://wapedia.mobi/id/Buddhisme http://www.slideshare.net/katherine0111/agama-buddha-2047661 http://dhamma-bm.tripod.com/am/sejarah.htm http://wapedia.mobi/id/Sejarah_agama_Buddha?t=4. .

Monday, January 20, 2020

War Strategies of Sir Arthur Currie :: essays research papers

War Strategies of Sir Arthur Currie   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sir Arthur Currie was not a man raised to become a great general, he had to start from the beginning and work his way to the top. He served his country by fighting and leading battles that made Canada a great independent nation, making him a figure of inspiration to many Canadians. In the many battles of World War One, including Amiens, Passchendaele, Vimy Ridge, and others, Arthur Currie devised well prepared, flexible, unique, and intelligent war strategies that led Canadian troops to victory.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Born on December 5th, 1875 in Napperton, Ontario, Arthur William Currie found his place in the world. Having been the third of seven children, Currie found his family to be very supportive of each other (Dancocks, 1985). At the age of 15, Currie’s father died of a stroke, leaving the family in financial problems. University was not the path to go down at this point for Currie, in hopes of becoming a lawyer. Instead, he took a teaching course (Harris, 1988).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Later on in his developing career, Currie met with a woman named Lucy Charworth-Musters, who would one day be his wife. With a paying job as a teacher, he decided to enlist in the militia as a lowly gunner in the 5th Regiment at the Canadian Garrison Artillery. In 1901, Currie married Lucy and found a better-paying job at an insurance firm at Matson and Coles (Dancocks, 1985). With great devotion to his wife and two children, the militia was still one of Currie’s priorities and he became a commander of the 5th Regiment of Artillery, winning the Governor-General’s Cup for efficiency (Hyatt, 1987). On the 4th of August in 1914, the British ultimatum to Germany expired and Canada was now automatically at war (Hyatt, 1987).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  With careful planning, co-operation, good leadership and courage, Currie managed to bring out the characteristics of a well thought out success at Vimy Ridge in April of 1917 (Dancocks, 1985). Sir Arthur Currie’s responsibility was to command the 1st Canadian Division (Hyatt, 1987). He pushed his troops to undergo rigorous training and to prepare themselves by using a life-size course, with every trench marked by tape and a flag (Dancocks, 1985). Currie designed very accurate maps and he had a small-scale plasticine model built so that it could be studied by all soldiers. Arthur Currie insisted that his division’s knowledge of the enemy was excellent (Dancocks, 1985). War Strategies of Sir Arthur Currie :: essays research papers War Strategies of Sir Arthur Currie   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sir Arthur Currie was not a man raised to become a great general, he had to start from the beginning and work his way to the top. He served his country by fighting and leading battles that made Canada a great independent nation, making him a figure of inspiration to many Canadians. In the many battles of World War One, including Amiens, Passchendaele, Vimy Ridge, and others, Arthur Currie devised well prepared, flexible, unique, and intelligent war strategies that led Canadian troops to victory.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Born on December 5th, 1875 in Napperton, Ontario, Arthur William Currie found his place in the world. Having been the third of seven children, Currie found his family to be very supportive of each other (Dancocks, 1985). At the age of 15, Currie’s father died of a stroke, leaving the family in financial problems. University was not the path to go down at this point for Currie, in hopes of becoming a lawyer. Instead, he took a teaching course (Harris, 1988).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Later on in his developing career, Currie met with a woman named Lucy Charworth-Musters, who would one day be his wife. With a paying job as a teacher, he decided to enlist in the militia as a lowly gunner in the 5th Regiment at the Canadian Garrison Artillery. In 1901, Currie married Lucy and found a better-paying job at an insurance firm at Matson and Coles (Dancocks, 1985). With great devotion to his wife and two children, the militia was still one of Currie’s priorities and he became a commander of the 5th Regiment of Artillery, winning the Governor-General’s Cup for efficiency (Hyatt, 1987). On the 4th of August in 1914, the British ultimatum to Germany expired and Canada was now automatically at war (Hyatt, 1987).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  With careful planning, co-operation, good leadership and courage, Currie managed to bring out the characteristics of a well thought out success at Vimy Ridge in April of 1917 (Dancocks, 1985). Sir Arthur Currie’s responsibility was to command the 1st Canadian Division (Hyatt, 1987). He pushed his troops to undergo rigorous training and to prepare themselves by using a life-size course, with every trench marked by tape and a flag (Dancocks, 1985). Currie designed very accurate maps and he had a small-scale plasticine model built so that it could be studied by all soldiers. Arthur Currie insisted that his division’s knowledge of the enemy was excellent (Dancocks, 1985).

Saturday, January 11, 2020

St. Maria Goretti

St. Maria Goretti: Small but Mighty For little kids, they have a sense of innocence to them. Not really knowing between right and wrong. Not realizing that there is bad in the world. Kids are kept sheltered until they eventually learn to discover the real world. There comes a time when they know that the world is not all good, because it has taken advantage of his or her innocence. Sometimes they don’t understand it, sometimes they try to understand it but just can’t, sometimes they just have to accept it with no answers. St. Maria Goretti’s life was cut short; she had been taken advantage of, yet begin so young, so refused to give into sin.According to The Book of Saints, published by The Regina Press, St. Maria Goretti was born in Corinaldo, Italy on October 16, 1890 to Luigi Goretti and Assunta Carlini. Her father was a farm l and her laborer and her family was very poor. Her father moved his wife and five kids to Ferriere de Conca in hopes of better work. The re he died of malaria, and Maria was only 9 years old. A mother with 6 kids, and struggling to survive, the family moved onto the Serenelli farm where they worked. On July 5, 1902, an 18 year old named Alessandro Serenelli attacked Maria trying to rape her.Telling him she’s rather die than give into his commands, angrily he stabbed her 14 times with a long dagger. Maria’s family found her and rushed her to the hospital. She lived for another 24 hours and died holding a crucifix, a medal of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and had forgiven her attacker and asked God to forgive him too. Instead of being filled with anger, she prayer for Alexandro to find peace and for her family to be provided for. She had died before even turning 12 (Hoagland & Angelini). Even though she had died very young she was a great influence after she died.Catholic Online states, Alexandro was sentenced to thirty years in prison. He was unrepentant and did not find peace; he could not find remorse for h imself or for Maria’s family. Up until he had a dream, in which Maria had appeared to him. He was in a garden, where Maria has came to him and gave him a bouquet of lilies. He woke up a changed man. He turned his life around and began repenting. Twenty seven years after Maria appeared to him he was released. He had gone directly to Maria's mother and begged for her forgiveness. This was not easy for her, but she eventually she forgave him, and said which she gave. If my daughter can forgive him, who am I to withhold forgiveness† (Catholic Online). According to American Catholic, In 1947, present at her beatification was her mother, two sisters and a brother who all stood with Pope Pius XII on the balcony of St. Peter’s Square. Three years later, at her canonization, in less than half a century after Maria’s death she was canonized by Pope Pius XII on July 25, 1950. Alexandro Serenelli was 66 years old and knelt among the quarter-million people and cried te ars of joy. For being so young, she moved the many people of Italy. (American Catholic). St.Maria Goretti is the ultimate example of moral fidelity and goodness. She’d rather die than give into Alexandro’s commands. Not to mention that she was only 11 years old, and made a strong and exemplary decision. She knew the actions were wrong, and came against what she believed in and she stood up for it. She knew she could have given into Alexandro’s demands in order for her to service, but she didn’t. She had such a strong faith in God and trusted him enough to give up her own life for the greater glory of God. Even though she ended up a martyr she is an example for all people, especially young teenage girls.She is an example of stand for one’s morals and forgiving those who have wronged against us. Being a teenage girl, St. Maria Goretti is definitely someone I would go to and ask for advice. Hopefully I will never be in a situation like St. Maria Goret ti, but girls like she and I face the very same problem every day. Since society and the media these days are suggesting teenage girls should look a certain way, or dress like this or that, wear certain clothes, and girls should act a certain way. If not, they don’t belong, they’re not considered beautiful the way they are, and they’re considered outcasts.Society and the media constantly shove the idea that sex can get you anywhere, such as by the way you look. Media constantly shows potential â€Å"role models† that girls and women should strive to be like. The saying, â€Å"sex sells† is very true in our time. Being a teenage girl I feel the pressure for all teenagers is that in order to get a guy to like them they have to lower their morals and standards but raise their shirts and completely change themselves. St. Maria Goretti would be an excellent advice giver on how to stand and stay strong for who you are and not giving in to he demands of s ex, or even just advice to not give into peer pressure so easily. I was so shocked to have found out that St. Maria Goretti had died at such a young age, yet she faced the scariest thing any girl could dream of. With such innocence she stayed so strong in her faith, and forgave so easily, at her death bed all she was concerned about was the well being of her family and her attacker, which I find very admirable. To me St. Maria Goretti’s life represents all the everyday actions in my life. Her sacrifice ties in with my decision making.Her sort life makes me want to life my life to the fullest, but to live it right. I know growing up in this society is hard and confusing; this world has good people and bad people. Like St. Maria Goretti I want to have the courage to choose good and stand up against evil, and not only that, but have my own strength to forgive those who have wronged me. I want to keep my morals and beliefs straight and life my life the way God has called me to li ve. St. Maria Goretti’s life will help my life and moral journey by remembering to stay strong and do what is right, no matter what the cost may be.St. Maria Goretti Biography says, â€Å"She led a very ordinary life. But in spite of herof her simplicity, her great faith and love for God made her truly extraordinary† (St. Maria Goretti) Kids have this special intuition. They know when something is wrong and when something is right. They know, and no words would have to be spoken. They themselves might not understand the whole situation themselves. But they know a difference between a good and bad feeling. St. Maria Goretti died at a very young age, in a horrible way.She was too young to understand why Alexandro wanted to harm her, but she knew it was the right thing to do not to give into his orders. She knew it was right to trust God. Works Cited Hoagland, Victor, and George Angelini. The book of saints: the lives of the saints according to the Liturgical calendar. Fa rmingdale, NY: Regina Press, 1986. Print. â€Å"St. Maria Goretti. † The American Catholic,Web. 17 Nov. 2011. â€Å"St. Maria Goretti†¦ Pray For Us!. † St. Maria Goretti†¦ Pray For Us!. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. â€Å"St. Maria Goretti – Saints & Angels – Catholic Online. † Catholic Online. Web. 20 Nov. 2011.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Effective Management of Human Resources Essay - 1023 Words

Numerous researchers have recognized effective management of human resources internationally as a major determinant of success or failure in international business (Tung, 1984; Dowling, 1999). A definite link exists between an organization’s strategic human resource management and its business success or failure (Hays, 1971; Tayeb, 2005). Businesses have learned success often depends on forming strategic alliances but successful managing of these alliances is difficult due to differences in the company and country cultures, which often interferes with the ability of organizations to reap economic benefits and rewards from such alliances (Schuler, et al. 2006). This is true for domestic businesses and businesses operating in the†¦show more content†¦Miller, while researching over 200 companies, found only 19 of 100 Fortune 100 companies started in 1996 were still around ten years later, and concluded that success imperils an organization through the momentum it cre ates. He then described the rise and fall of major corporations after periods of apparent success. Vermeulen (2009) similarly concluded that the same thing that made Icarus successful led to his downfall. His overconfidence made him blind to the dangers of flying to close to the sun. How does it happen? Over the years companies begin to focus on the thing that made them successful (a particular product, service, production method, etc.). Initially it serves them well, and they become even better at it. It will also come at the expense of other products, processes, and viewpoints that the company considers less important and off the mark, and that are discarded or brushed aside (para. 6). As a result, firms are too late to adapt to fundamental changes in their business environments such as new competitors, different customer demands, radical new technologies, or newer business models. In his article, â€Å"Is Your Company Brave Enough to Survive†, Vermeluen (2009) concluded that there are a few downturn survival strategies companies might utilize in order to survive. He noted firms are better off opening up, exploring new sources of potential revenue, experimenting with bottom-up processesShow MoreRelatedThe Effective Management Of Human Resources1338 Words   |  6 PagesThe effective management of human resources is essential for business success. In this article, it will talk about the importance of the effective management of human resources. Human resources management is a function that using the limited employees to do the most work and make the business run, which is called HRM or simply HR. A valid work on human resources management will make busines s successful. 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