Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Direct Marketing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Direct Marketing - Assignment Example As a manager, Meredith required an integrated marketing information system in carrying out his analysis. An analysis based on data collection, which is an essential requirement aiding planning, implementation, and control responsibilities. Marketing Information System helps in assessing the previously collected data, develop the needed information, and distribute that information in a timely manner. Meredith employs registration as a mechanism for data collection. Registration and licensing avails valuable data that are essential to completing enumeration, though limited to variables change slowly. The variables include numbers of fishing vessels and their characteristics (Kotler & Keller 2011). Meredith used questionnaires as a second means of data collection. Issuance of unfilled relevant questions forms to consumers after purchasing commodities. It is less expensive method of data collection since the customers tend to be co-operative. The third method Meredith employed is the use Interviews that enabled extraction of valuable feedback from the clients and public. The final method used in data collection by the managing director is direct observations. The method offers first-hand information based on individuals expected

Monday, October 28, 2019

Martin Luther King Jr. and Henry Thoreau Debate Essay Example for Free

Martin Luther King Jr. and Henry Thoreau Debate Essay Fight For What is Right A cold, snowy winter night in Birmingham, Alabama: one of those nights where you would rather stay inside and sit by a fire while sipping on a cup of hot chocolate. Not everyone is doing that though, for many people walk in the cold all bundled up. Some of the more unfortunate ones stay stranded outside in the freezing weather with not nearly enough layers to keep them warm. In Birmingham, a lot of these people consist of African Americans who cannot afford somewhere to keep warm or are Just simply denied a place to stay based on their skin color. In this day and age, segregation exists between whites and blacks. A huge issue nationwide, but when it comes to Birmingham everything is taken to a new level. To ensure the separation of whites and blacks, you can see plenty of racial signs and other such tactics used by the city. Although between King and Thoreau, none of these resemble an issue; they both could stay warm under their nice winter Jackets, both had a place to go back home to and more importantly, one was a white man and the other a black man. Henry David Thoreau and Martin Luther King Jr. both made themselves very well known and idolized by many. They knew each other through a mutual friend but came into contact when they ran into one another here in Birmingham. The segregation in Birmingham continues to get out of control with constant bombings and killings of African American citizens, causing certain groups to want to take action towards reform in Birmingham. The group known as the Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights called upon King to help lead them in non-violent reform, while Thoreau made his trip here to witness the reforms. Thoreaus time of non-violent reform came about years before King even began to participate. King actually learned Just about everything from Thoreaus writing, but Thoreau has no sense of that at this very moment. What King learned from Thoreau, he put to use more than Thoreau ever did. Right now the two men share the same non-violent beliefs and want to spread the word in their own separate ways. As the two men walk down the street they engage in friendly small talk. But then they come across a black couple denied entry into a restaurant. Both men look at ach other in disgust. They have seen it happen hundreds of times, but each time they see it, they have the same disgustful reaction. After what they Just witnessed, the two men started to state their opinions to each other on why they see this type of policy as a disgrace. Henry Thoreau spoke first with a scornful tone in his voice on how he cannot respect his government for allowing instances like these to occur. He continues speaking, l cannot for an instant recognize that political organization as my government which is the slaves government also (180). In response, King expresses to Thoreau, that you cannot put the entire blame on the government even though they could change the laws involving segregation. But would that change how the white majority feels, especially in southern states. Those people grew up witn certain opinions ot Atrican Americans. King goes on with another strong statement, saying Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly (214). With this statement, King tries to tell Thoreau that if they cannot change how people think, then segregation will not change either. After uttering such words, King goes quiet, neither one of them saying anything to each other. Both continue walking with their eyes facing forward, trying to fgure out what they are going to say next. After a few minutes of walking in the freezing cold with a light flurry of snow, the silence is broken. King ends this when he asks Thoreau how he plans on making a difference for racism and segregation. Thoreau does not respond right away, giving King the opportunity to answer his own question: Henry, we need to make a difference here in Birmingham. If we do something here then it ay affect the whole nation. And we need to do it in a non-violent manner. He continues, In any non-violent campaign there are four basic steps: collection of facts to determine whether injustices exist; negotiation; self-purification; and direct action (215). King believes that these steps will lead them to a successful reform against segregation. Thoreau agrees with King that they should reform in a non-violent way, but questions who will Join him. He immediately states, They continue enjoying each others company, but ever since their heated discussions the two have not said one word or even batted an eye towards the other. They arrive at the footsteps of Martin Luther King Jr. s apartment where he says one final comment to end the night, Henry, we have a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws (218). We are nere tor a reason; and that reason involves making a ditterence. So tomorrow lets get everyone in town together and move forward with this reform. Thoreau ooks at King with a blank face and continues his way. With his incomparable leadership ability, King leads a reform the next day in Birmingham. The reform in Birmingham took place in 1963, and was led by Martin Luther King Jr.. This action brought attention to the integration efforts in the city, and during these nonviolent riots the citys police brought out dogs which attacked the civilians. They would also spray the people with high powered water hoses. But the reform actions demonstrated led to the government changing the city of Birminghams discrimination laws.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Macbeth :: essays research papers

The William Shakespeare play  ³Macbeth, ² depicted Macbeth as a loyal subject of King Duncan and his homeland of Scotland. Duncan was so pleased with Macbeth ¹s actions during the war that he was named the Thane of Cawdor, a title not far from king. Soon after, he wrote a letter to his wife that would make his future blood stained. Macbeth told her about the possibility of becoming king and in-turn hooked her on the idea. She then did everything in her power to give Macbeth the crown of Scotland.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Duncan ¹s gratitude for the deeds of Macbeth were displayed when Duncan announced,  ³Would thou hadst less deserved, that the proportion both of thanks and payment might have been mine! Only I have left to say, more is thy due than more than all can pay. (p.34) ² The last sentence of his quote said that he deserved more than everyone could have given him. Duncan ¹s thankfulness resulted in raising the title of Macbeth from Thane of Glamis to that of Cawdor. Only one title then separated him from being next in line to the throne, the Prince of Cumberland.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Macbeth could not help but notice how close he was to being king and hinted his ambition to have the title in his letter to Lady Macbeth. He wrote,  ³...came missives from the King, who all-hailed me Thane of Cawdor, by which title, before, these weyard sisters saluted me, and referred me to the coming on of time with Å’Hail, King that shalt be! ² Since the witches had predicted Macbeth gaining Thane of Cawdor, he believed they might be right about him replacing Duncan, as the letter continues,  ³This have I thought good to deliver thee, my dearest partner of greatness, that thou mightst not lose the dues of rejoicing by being ignorant of what greatness is promised thee. Lay it to heart, and farewell. (p.35-36) ² This passage also portrays Macbeth ¹s trust in his wife when he addresses her as,  ³ dearest partner of greatness,... ² His trust in Lady Macbeth later allowed her to convince him to murder Duncan. Macbeth believed her when she said,  ³We fail? But screw your courage to the sticking place and we ¹ll not fail, (p. 42) ² which confirmed the deal.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Immediately after Lady Macbeth reads the letter from her husband, the idea of their royalty sets in. She says,  ³Glamis thou art, and Cawdor, and shalt be what thou art promised.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Nursing Care Plan and Evaluation

Instructions: 1. The nursing care plan evaluation is based upon the application of criteria appropriate for the student’s skill set. 2.All nursing care plans must be typed (Times New Roman, 12 point font). The nursing care plan form is available on Blackboardâ„ ¢ in each clinical course. 3. The grading rubric must be attached – last page of nursing care plan. 4. All relevant assessment tools used (physical, psychological, or psychiatric i.e. Braden Skin Assessment, Fall Risk) must be attached.HIPAA (Health Information Privacy and Protection Act) mandates all health care providers protect patient privacy. Only information that the patient specifically releases may be shared with others. Only professional persons (students and instructors) involved in care are allowed access to the health care information. The student should be cautious about what information is shared verbally and with whom. If the student is approached for patient information by someone who purports to have authority, the best course of action is to refer that individual to the appropriate administrative personnel.IVY TECH COMMUNITY COLLEGE OF INDIANA – REGION 6 NURSING PROGRAMNURSING HISTORY & PHYSICAL ASSESSMENT FORMStudent _________________________ Date of Care __1-26-2010 to 1-27______ Facility/Unit _Oncology_BMH___ InstructorHealth HistoryBiographical Data:Patient's Initials _DH___ Age __79__ Gender__F__ Martial status: Widow__ DOB: _7/29/1930__________Birthplace: Randolph County__ Ethnic origin/Race: _Caucasian_ Occupation: previous factory worker_Work status : retired_________ Educational background __High school______________History source initials ___Pt__ Relationship to client __self__________________Transcultural Considerations: (Time, space, touch, & value orientation, language considerations, spiritual beliefs, education level)Pt speaks English. High school was the highest education received. She worked at a factory for years and then quit to stay home and r aise her two kids.Special Needs:WalkerReasons for Seeking Care: (Brief statement in patient's words that describes reason for visit – Chief Complaint) Pt states she is here due to her ovarian cancer.Past Health History:Approximate hospitalization dates: 1/17/2010Serious or Chronic Illnesses (Approximate onset): Pt has a hx of: HTN, gallbladder disease, hiatal hernia, ulcers, diabetes type 2, hypothyroidism, depression, ovarian cancer, arthritis, migraines, cataracts and a right leg fx. Pt has also had these surgeries: hysterectomy, appendectomy, cataracts, cholecystectomy, colon resection, hernia, thyroidectomy, tonsillectomy, and adenoidectomy.Obstetric RotationCurrent Obstetric Assessment:Gravidity ______ Term ______ Preterm ______ Abortions ______ Living ______Blood Type _____ Rh Factor _____LMP _______ EDC _______ RhoGAM Status ______ DTR ________ (if applicable)Date & Time of Delivery __________________________________Type of Delivery ___ SVD ___ Forceps ____ Vacuum ____ Cesarean Section___________ Anesthesia/Analgesia _______ EBLPerineum: ______ Intact ______ Episiotomy _____ Laceration & Location__________________Please note any current obstetrical problems/complications (GDM, pre-eclampsia, etc.)Please note any past obstetrical problems/complications: (Condition, duration, treatment)Infant Data:Gender ___________Apgar Score ___ / ___ Gestational Age _____weeks Cord Vessels_____ Feeding method ______ Weight at Birth _______ Length at Birth ________Blood Type & Rh ______ Direct Coombs ________ (if known)Complications at Delivery:Attachment Behaviors:Allergies: Medications: _Vaseline, Tetanus, Penicillin, Codeine, Aspirin, Morphine, Sulfa ___________ What kind of reaction was experienced: __Rash, hives, facial swelling, Headache, _______ Foods: ___NA________________________________________________________________ What kind of reaction was experienced:_Na_________________________________________ Contact: __NA_________________________________________ _______________________What kind of reaction was experienced:__NA________________________________________Current Home Medications: (all prescription, over the counter, home and herbal remedies, include trade or generic name, dose, and frequency) Reason for taking medication (patient stated). 1. Lisinopril 20 mg 1 tab q pm daily- lowers BP2. Levothyroxine 100 mcg 1 tab qdsync daily- thyroid replacement 3. Ondansetron IV 4-8 mg q6hr or PRN- nausea med 4. Sennosides 8.6 mg 1 tab daily- for constipation 5. Polyethylene glycol 17 gr powder daily take with 8 oz of water- for constipation 6. Demecloclycline 300 mg 1 tab TID- tx of bacteria 7. Nystatin 5 mL QID swish and spit- tx of fungus 8. Insulin Reg (Human) PRN with sliding scale- for diabetes 9. Promethazine 12.5 +5mL q8hr dilute with 9mL NS prior to IV with max rate 25mg/min – helps with nausea and used for antihistamine 10. Hydromorphine brand: Dilaudid 2 mg q2hr or PRN- per painSubstance use: (Frequency and amount) Tobacco _ __Past hx for 40+ years _________ Alcohol ___hx of occasional ____________________________________________ Illicit drugs __none____________________________________________________________Family History: (Health status or cause of death of blood relatives displayed in a genogram format)Family & Social Support Systems: Pt has a daughter and son that visit her daily. She also has a granddaughter that visits a few times.Physical AssessmentPrimary Medical Diagnosis: _______Hyposmality___________________________________________________________________ Secondary Medical Diagnoses: __Ovarian Ca Height __5’5†______ Weight ___182_____ Head Circumference (if < 2 yrs of age) _________________ TPR _98.5 – 66 – 28_____ B/P __142/77____ Pain Score ___10___Pain Goal __0___ BMI ___30_______ Oxygen Saturation _92____ Supplemental Oxygen _2L___ Diet: __general with 1500 ml fluid restriction____Consumption % __less than 10% General Appearance:Pt is a 79 year old female with g ray hair. She is sitting up on the BSC with a pillow behind her back and a pillow in her hands pressing against her abd. Breakfast tray is sitting in front of her but she is unwilling to eat. Pt states she â€Å"just hurts so bad from the constipation.† Pain meds had already been given to her.Patient's Health Promotion Activities At Home: Pt uses a walker at home.Site Assessment of Invasive Lines and Drainage Tubes: (Note location, type, and findings) PICC line in right upper chest with no signs of redness or bruising. There is an IV in her upper right arm that has some bruising.Mental Status – General Impression: (attach screening tool/results if used) A & O X3. Pt sometimes seems to be a little confused.Skin, Hair & Nails: Braden Scale Score: ___19 LOW _______ (attached) Skin is warm/dry/intact. Pt has a bruise over her left antecubital area and on top of left hand due to a previous IV. She has a scar from her gallbladder surgery that is still healing with no signs o f infection. She also has an appendectomy scar from a previous surgery years ago. Hair is full and thick. Nails of both upper and lower extremities are yellow with cap refill.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Theories of development are important Essay

A theorist is a person who develops or believes an idea in which to explain something, including what, how and why. Theories are development through observations, analysing and experiments. Theories of development are important because they help us to understand children’s behaviour, to help us understand the sequence that children and young people develop. Theorists- influencing current practice. Cognitive development. A Swiss biologist and psychologist jean piaget (1896-1980) is renowned for constructing a highly influential model of child development and learning. He suggested that children develop cognitive skills through mental â€Å"maps†, schemes and network concepts for understanding and responding to physical experiences within his or hers environment. Piagets theory identifies four developments stages these four stages are, sensorimotor stage 0-2 years, preoperational stage 2-7 years, concrete operations 7-11 years, formal operations 11-15 years. Educators must plan activities that are developmentally appropriate according to the curriculum which expands the student’s logical and conceptual growth. Another theorist that supports cognitive development is Vygotsky. He believes that children learn and understand through others around them, such as friends and family. He believed that children need challenges and teaching experiences set for them to help them develop in all areas and to help them to reach their full potential. Psychoanalytical development. Sigmund freud (1856-1939) another theorist believed that there are 3 parts to each child and young person’s personality. He believed that there are; the ID, the ego and the super ego. He believed that these 3 parts aren’t always there from when the child is born but develop with the child as they grow. He said that they are different through certain factors and behaviour between each different child, Humanist. Abraham maslow (1908-1970) looked at peoples motivation in the 1940’s. He believed that people needed to meet their fundamental needs before they could meet their potential or self-actualisation. He believed that if they were not met then they would become a deficiency in the person. This links to practice because we need to meet the needs of the children for, warmth, care, hunger and environment that they are providing and what they do to meet the children’s needs. Social learning. Social learning theorists believe that we learn through observing others. Albert bandura born 1925 believes that we learn through ‘imitation’. Eric Erikson (1902-1994) believed that a child and a young person’s personality will change throughout their life, due to social development and experiences. This links to practice as nursery practitioners are told to be good role models to the children. This is because they observe us and ‘copy’ or ‘imitate’ actions that we may make. Operant conditioning. The theory of operant conditioning is based on learning from the consequences or reinforcement due to a type of behaviour. B.F skinner (1904-1990) is recognised as a key figure for developing the behaviourist approach to learning and developing the theory for operant conditioning. He believed that we learn through our experiences in the environment and the consequences to our behaviour. Skinner separated the sequence of actions into three groups; 1; positive reinforces 2; negative reinforces 3; punishers. The positive reinforcers are what make us repeat actions or behaviour when we get something we desire. Skinner suggested that the positive reinforcement was the most effective way of encouraging new learning, such as getting attention from adults, receiving praise and receiving rewards. The negative reinforcers is a behaviour that also makes us repeat actions or behaviour, but not in a bad way but in a way to stop something bad happening from something good. For example children may learn to hold onto the stair rail when walking down the stairs to steady them self rather than feeling the need to sit on their bottom and bump down them. The ‘punisher’ is what is going to stop people from repeating behaviour, such as checking the temperature of the bath water before getting in it, after burning yourself because you didn’t check. Skinner also researched unexpected positive reinforcers. This is when children show negative behaviour to receive attention from adults. He proved that showing more frequent positive reinforcement was the most thriving way to help children learn about acceptable behaviour. This links to practice because we reward and praise children for showing positive behaviour. Nursery practitioners often say ‘well done’ to children as a way of praising them for showing positive behaviour than their negative behaviour. We also try to focus more on children’s positive behaviour rather than their negative behaviour, this is because they eventually learn that their good behaviour is more noticed and praised than their bad behaviour. This proves skinners theory. Behaviourist. The behaviourist theories suggest that learning is influenced by rewards, punishments and environmental factors. ‘conditioning’ is often used by behaviourists because we learn in a certain way due to past experiences that teach us not to do something or to do something. Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936) was a physiologist who was studying dogs. Whilst doing this he recognised that the dogs started to salivate before their food had been put down for them. He came to the conclusion that they were doing this because they learnt to associate the arrival of the food with other things such as, the sound of footsteps and the bowls or buckets. He did and experiment to look at this more closely. He used a bell because dogs do not salivate when hearing a bell. The dogs eventually begun to associate the bell with been fed. He then rang the bell constantly and eventually the dogs begin to stop salivating and finally did not react to the sound of the bell. Behaviourists use the term extinction when this happens. John b.watson (1878-1958 Took up pavlovs work and demonstrated that children and adults can be classically conditioned. In an experiment he created a phobia of rats in a little boy known as little Albert. In our practice we do not experiment or use classical conditioning, although we may recognise it among the children for example, children may become excited when they see bowls or a tray been brought into the room, they may associate this with food being given to them after this happens. Another example would be that at the end of the day all the children put their coats on they then may anticipate home time because they associate putting their coats on with their parents arriving to take them home. It is also useful to remember that classical conditioning can relate to children’s phobias. Social pedagogy. Social pedagogy is the holistic and thoughtful way of working. The aim of this is to improve the life chances and social outcomes of babies and children, therefore we must work with each other as well as the children to find the best possible way of improving these outcomes. The theories of development that have been shown help childcare workers put together framework and education for the children. It also helps us to understand why babies, children and young people do things the way they do. Conclusion. This shows that theorists have helped us come to conclusions for why we do things the way we do as well as how we learn through our experiences. It also helps to understand these theories so that we can provide better care and knowledge in the childcare setting. Task c. introduction pack for a new staff member. At the mother goose pre-school we monitor each child’s development we do this by using the learning journey. In the children’s learning journey we have â€Å"early learning goals† for each specific age group, to give us guidelines or the â€Å"norm† development for each stage of their time at the setting. We also carry out observations on the children to show which stage they are at, at the time on the early learning goals. Before any observations take place on the children, permission must be given from the parent/carer, this is also helpful as we can share findings with the child’s parent/carer and they can share findings with ourselves. If we were to do observations on a child without consent from their parent/carer then they may feel angry and upset as they may not understand that this is normal practice and help us to help the children. Assessment methods. Here are two examples of assessment methods we use to monitor a child’s development; checklist/tick chart and a free description with a snap shot picture. A checklist and tick chart observation is a chart with particular activities written on and the child is observed to see if they can reach the milestones set according to the child’s age. These observations are usually taken place when structured activities are set up for the children to do and are based over a longer period of time, but are taken place less frequently to show the progress in the children’s development. The advantage of using this observation is that you can observe more than one child at a time and they are quick and easy to use. The disadvantage of this is that observing at different times may produce different results and that it only shows what the child can and cannot do, not how confident and happy they are to attempt tasks and join in. A free description with a snap shot picture is to show skills that children show or are seen doing. A description of what you see is written into a small observation sheet and put the child’s learning journey next to the picture of them doing so. These observations are used frequently to show what milestones the child is at for their age group. The observation has the advantage of been able to use it frequently and no preparation is needed. Although the advantage is that different observers pick up on different things that children do and it can be hard sometimes to find the right words to use to describe what you are seeing. Examples of why sometimes child/young person’s development does not follow the expected pattern. Children develop at different stages for example, a baby of 12 months may be walking with support but a baby of 10 months may be walking unaided. Some children just happen to develop quicker or slower than others, but for some babies and children there are reasons why their development does not follow the expected patterns. Premature birth can have an effect on development, such as sitting up unaided, crawling, standing and walking. Learning difficulties can also have an impact on development, some children may pick up writing and reading easier than with a learning difficulty, but help is available such as special support and multi-agency approaches. Another reason why development may be delayed could be disability for example, a baby that has a disability with their legs may not be able to walk until they are 2 or 3 where as the expected age is roughly 1 years old. Impact by disability. Disability can impact and effect development as it can prevent children and young people from completing tasks. Although most activities can be adapted to suit children and young people’s needs. Intervention. Intervention can be done to promote positive outcomes for the child or young person where development is not following the expected pattern. Specialist support can be used in the preschool to support children with learning difficulties or disabilities. They can arrange meetings to come and see the child to observe them and give the child’s key worker activities and goals for the child to meet. Multi agency approaches can also take place to help babies, children and young people to meet the expected pattern of development. Another intervention could be supported play by adapting the activities to support the child or young person to reach the milestones for their age group. Task d . Early identification. Early identification of speech, language or communication delay is important for a childs well-being because it can affect their development. The sooner it is picked up on the sooner it can be amended therefore the child will not miss out on educational activities and lessons which would otherwise potentially hold them further back. Potential risks. Any delays in a child’s speech, language and communication could result in a lack of development in the future. They may not be able to develop their skills further for example, if a child cannot speak then communication will also become a problem. This is why it is important to identify these delays early. If a child cannot speak then their development will slow down as they cannot further their skills through others around them. This can therefore cause the problem to become greater if it is left to long. Importance of early identification and potential risks of late recognition. It is very important that early identification to speech, language and communication as it can affect children and young people’s further development and expanding skills. If it is picked up on early enough then help can be given to the child to either overcome the issue or to give extra support to them to help them develop further. If it isn’t picked up on early enough then the child could fall behind in development and education. When a child falls behind it can sometimes be difficult for them to catch up although there are organisations to give extra support to the child. Multi-agency team. There are many organisations that can help support a child or young person’s speech, language and communication. The child’s GP (general practitioner) can refer the child to a speech therapist which will help their speech and communication. The child’s health visitor can also help with the child’s speech, language and communication. How when and why. A multi-agency team would be brought in to support a child when a speech, language or communication delay takes place. The manager would have a meeting with the child’s parent/carer to discuss the issue and then they would discuss the best possible option for the child. If they decide that a multi-agency team is to be contacted then a meeting would be arranged with the team to examine how the child can be helped. They then will arrange with the team to examine how the child can be helped. They then will arrange the times and dates that they can come and visit the child either at the childcare setting or at home. Play opportunities. There are many types of play opportunities that can be put into place to help support a child’s speech, language and communication. Role play is one of the most important parts of play for children, it covers physical activity as well as allowing the child to communicate, be creative, be independent and build self-confidence. Another play opportunity could be music and movement activities which include singing, dancing and nursery rhymes. The children can be independent and make their own choices to join in. this allows children to communicate with each other and to sing along to the songs and rhymes. Reading stories are vital in a child’s development. By reading and listening, children pick up new words and meanings which allow their knowledge to expand. If a child has a difficulty in communicating or in their speech then books can be very useful for developing their speech and communication. Show and tell is another way of supporting a child’s speech, language and communication. It allows the children to listen to others and to communicate if they wish to by asking questions about the show and tell that is shown, which can expand their word dictionary by using new words. All of this concludes that noticing a delay in a speech, language or communication development is important to prevent further delay in other areas of development.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Integrated assesment Essays

Integrated assesment Essays Integrated assesment Essay Integrated assesment Essay HNC Social Care Valuess are criterions and principals by which we live our lives. These criterions are many and frequently depend on people`s background e.g. Culture, category, faith, gender, age. Valuess are highly single attitudes that direct people`s responses to the universe around them. Amongst some of the values I live my life by and regard are privateness leting me to hold infinite to myself and esteeming the fact that others may want privateness, to be safe and besides leting others the same, holding self regard, being trusty, being non judgmental, being anti discriminatory, respect life and religion, value freedom and equality, value pick and others points of position. I have learned to populate my life this manner from my parents and their households. The schools and church where I was taught, espoused the values of human self-respect, solidarity for the common good, charity in truth, and the household, all of which I continue to keep beloved. I hence try to guarantee that I treat people t he manner I would wish to be treated. Because of these values, I am able to work merrily alongside the organisation I volunteer for, as their policies and processs represent many of these common values. I presently volunteer as a Befriender for a group that helps grownups with larning disablements become included within the community through socialisation, by fiting Befriendees with supportive Befrienders. I, as a voluntary for this organisation, provide their service participants with the chance to take a full and fulfilling portion in their community. I besides help to raise consciousness of issues impacting grownups with larning troubles in community engagement. I did this in a major manner by take parting in the aggregation and presentation of our request to the Scots Parliament to bespeak that Befriending is financed with nucleus support. Although Befriending, to assist societal inclusion was briefly mentioned as a agency of back uping grownups with larning disablements in Same as you Strategy 2000, this article has neer been defined by the authorities as a nucleus service to be provided by councils. As a consequence, Befriending for Adults with Learning Disabilities has seldom been financed or delivered by statutory services. However, the societal work section is the chief agencies of referral to our organisation and so for the minute receive this service free, financed by char itable contributions. I feel this is a signifier of statutory favoritism against our client group and trust our request resolves this state of affairs. This request has received a positive reaction from the requests commission and is still traveling through the commission processes. I besides receive continued preparation, support, and supervising and engage in partnership working with relevant bureaus. The nucleus values of our administration are underpinned by the National Care Standards , which were set up under the, which were set up under the Regulation of Care ( Scotland ) Act 2001 . This Act came about to modulate the attention and societal work force and set out the principals of good attention pattern. . This Act came about to modulate the attention and societal work force and set out the principals of good attention pattern. The Care Commission was set up under this Act to register, modulate, and inspect all attention services listed in the Act. It besides established was set up under this Act to register, modulate, and inspect all attention services listed in the Act. It besides established The Scottish Social Services Council ( SSSC ) . The SSSC has purposes and aims to protect the service users, rise criterions, strengthen, and support work force professionalism. There are six chief criterions laid down in National Care Standards that are at the Centre of any attention pattern. The SSSC has purposes and aims to protect the service users, rise criterions, strengthen, and support work force professionalism. There are six chief criterions laid down in National Care Standards that are at the Centre of any attention pattern. Dignity doing person experience worthy and impressive as defined in the Oxford English Dictionary. I guarantee that I give self-respect by esteeming persons for who they are. I recognise all persons are different and I am sensitive and cognizant of this. doing person experience worthy and impressive as defined in the Oxford English Dictionary. I guarantee that I give self-respect by esteeming persons for who they are. I recognise all persons are different and I am sensitive and cognizant of this. Privacy and confidentiality is the demand and right to privacy. The rule of confidentiality between me and the service user is built on common regard and trust. Confidentiality is farther reinforced by the is the demand and right to privacy. The rule of confidentiality between me and the service user is built on common regard and trust. Confidentiality is farther reinforced by the Data Protection Act 1998 . This allows our service users to see any information that is held on them. . This allows our service users to see any information that is held on them. I must guarantee that this information is held firmly in a locked filing cabinet. Any information I write in an activity program must be true, factual, and accurate with my sentiments to be nonsubjective. Choice agencies giving and explicating different options to persons. I support our service users by promoting their right to take. By offering they limited options that will promote them to look at positive options within a safe environment. means giving and explicating different options to persons. I support our service users by promoting their right to take. By offering they limited options that will promote them to look at positive options within a safe environment. Safety agencies that I must guarantee my service user when in my attention, is protected from injury and maltreatment. If I suspect or observe that injury and maltreatment has or is taking topographic point, against a service user, I must describe the incident in an Incident Report Form within 36 hour of the episode to my line director. I besides complete a hazard appraisal signifier before any activity. means that I must guarantee my service user when in my attention, is protected from injury and maltreatment. If I suspect or observe that injury and maltreatment has or is taking topographic point, against a service user, I must describe the incident in an Incident Report Form within 36 hour of the episode to my line director. I besides complete a hazard appraisal signifier before any activity. Gaining Potential ensures that I must let my service users the opportunity to take to accomplish things great and little within their abilities. ensures that I must let my service users the opportunity to take to accomplish things great and little within their abilities. These nucleus values are represented within our administrations policies and processs. To guarantee client safety we have a Health we have a Health and Safe ty Policy which is designed to follow with the which is designed to follow with the Health and Safety at work Act 1974. Hazard Appraisals are used on a day-to-day footing before an activity to guarantee that the staff and clients are safe on the premises. We besides have Risk Appraisals are used on a day-to-day footing before an activity to guarantee that the staff and clients are safe on the premises. We besides have Accident and Incident Reporting processs which are required under the which are required under the Coverage of Injuries, Diseases, and Dangerous Happenings Regulation 1995 ( RIDDOR ) , Social Security Regulations 1979 ( SRR ) , Data Protection Act , to be reportedto be reported in an efficient mode. I must finish relevant signifiers and study to my line director. If an event requires describing straight to RIDDOR the records should be kept firmly for at least three old ages. Our Equalities policy complies with the in an efficient mode. I must finish relevant signifiers and study to my line director. If an event requires describing straight to RIDDOR the records should be kept firmly for at least three old ages. Our Equalities policy complies with the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 and 1986, the Race Relations Act of 1976 and the Race Relation Amendments Regulations of 2003, the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 . Our organisation opposes all signifiers of unjust and improper favoritism on the evidences of coloring material, race, faith, nationality, societal background, gender, sexual orientation, matrimonial position, age and disablement. It besides promotes the rule of equal chances in paid employment, voluntary work, and service proviso. Although it is of import to use positive values within my pattern, it is sometimes hard to make so. Giving person pick demands to be balanced by guaranting that this pick is safe and positive. Giving Adults with Learning Disabilities excessively many picks can do confusion and sometimes fear. So I give limited positive picks to guarantee that this does non go on. Safety issues can besides restrict picks, as under the Health a nd Safety at Work Act 1974 and and National Care Standards it is of import that I guarantee my client is safe from injury and maltreatment. If a hazard appraisal shows that an activity is non suited to the client because of safety issues so the pick of making that peculiar activity is reduced. Privacy and confidentiality is dealt with in our it is of import that I guarantee my client is safe from injury and maltreatment. If a hazard appraisal shows that an activity is non suited to the client because of safety issues so the pick of making that peculiar activity is reduced. Privacy and confidentiality is dealt with in our Confidentiality policy . Our organisation requires information about clients, voluntaries, staff other organisations and our ain organisation. I am hence committed to guaranting that all information is stored safely which besides allows appropriate retrieval. Confidential stuff must be kept in a locked cabinet. Volunteers are merely able to see files on a demand to cognize footing merely . Our organisation requires information about clients, voluntaries, staff other organisations and our ain organisation. I am hence committed to guaranting that all information is stored safely which besides allows appropriate retrieval. Confidential stuff must be kept in a locked cabinet. Volunteers are merely able to see files on a demand to cognize footing merely . Computer entree is limited to authorised staff and information backed up and compatible with The Data Protection Act 1998. If a client discloses something to me and inquire me non to state anyone so I must esteem his/her wants as a affair of trust. However, sometimes this can be hard, particularly if maltreatment is disclosed. Under these fortunes I am obliged to state him/her that I understand his/her demand for confidentiality, but the fortunes require me to rede my line director in authorship and that this will be in his/her best involvements and to seek non to worry. If a client discloses something to me and inquire me non to state anyone so I must esteem his/her wants as a affair of trust. However, sometimes this can be hard, particularly if maltreatment is disclosed. Under these fortunes I am obliged to state him/her that I understand his/her demand for confidentiality, but the fortunes require me to rede my line director in authorship and that this will be in his/her best involvements and to seek non to worry. As we do non provide a attention service, we are non required to register with the Care Commission, but we guarantee all our policies and processs meet their criterions. As all clients under these criterions are lawfully allowed an individualized attention program, we alternatively have an activity program. To guarantee no favoritism takes place the client is assessed utilizing ( Ref1 ) Pie . We take into history, our clients Physical demands, demands, Intellectual demands, demands, Emotional demands, and demands, and Social demands. Needs were foremost described as demands for our endurance in the theoretical account put frontward by ( demands. Needs were foremost described as demands for our endurance in the theoretical account put frontward by ( Ref 2 ) ) Abraham Maslow , a Humanist Psychologist. He stated that human demands can be arranged in a step ladder pyramid and that the lower degree demands must be satisfied before higher degrees can be met. Get downing from the basic psychological demand, so traveling to safety and security, societal, esteem, and self- realization. , a Humanist Psychologist. He stated that human demands can be arranged in a step ladder pyramid and that the lower degree demands must be satisfied before higher degrees can be met. Get downing from the basic psychological demand, so traveling to safety and security, societal, esteem, and self- realization. He suggested that non fulfilling these needs the individual could go defeated and emotionally hard-pressed, with perchance poorness and crisis taking topographic point. He besides suggested that these demands be met in order. Prejudice as ( Ref 3 ) defined in the Collins dictionary is defined in the Collins dictionary isan unreasonable disfavor of a peculiar group of people or things, or a penchant for a one group of people or things over another . Prejudice is caused by a deficiency of apprehension of something, doing the incorrect feeling to be created. Working with people with larning disablements has shown me that bias arises amongst some of the local community. This is a little subdivision of the community pre- judgment those with learning disablements through deficiency of cognition and so they hold unfavorable positions or sentiments towards people who are different and so blustery can take topographic point. Adults with learning disablements are a subdivision of society that tends non to be able to stand up for themselves. They rely on household, societal workers, protagonism workers, and support workers to rede them on their rights, picks, and duties. Unfortunately, through no mistake of their ain, some subdivisions of this community may non have this relevant information. . Prejudice is caused by a deficiency of apprehension of something, doing the incorrect feeling to be created. Working with people with larning disablements has shown me that bias arises amongst some of the local community. This is a little subdivision of the community pre- judgment those with learning disablements through deficiency of cognition and so they hold unfavorable positions or sentiments towards people who are different and so blustery can take topographic point. Adults with learning disablements are a subdivision of society that tends non to be able to stand up for themselves. They rely on household, societal workers, protagonism workers, and support workers to rede them on their rights, picks, and duties. Unfortunately, through no mistake of their ain, some subdivisions of this community may non have this relevant information. They do non have the attention, benefits, and advice that they need, or they do non have the statutory services they deserve. This can be caused by certain people denying our client group their rights and so know apart against them. Harassment, intimidation and hate offenses of those with learning disablements takes topographic point in many countries, the recent decease of a female parent and girl burned to decease in England after legion menaces and torment is an inordinate illustration and consequence of favoritism. Discrimination takes topographic point through fright, misinterpretation, misinformation, and so every bit good as Torahs against favoritism, we need to educate and supply preparation against it. To seek to guarantee that the incident that took topographic point does non go on in our community, our organisation is involved in supplying a preparation service to the community. I have taken portion in preparation to seek to educate young persons from the local secondary school about Learning Disabilities. This resulted in them going equal voluntaries to younger kids with Learning Disabilities from the local school for autistic kids. A music group was set up to convey these two groups of childs together, with positive consequences. ( Ref 4 ) Adults with Learning Disabilities are more likely to develop wellness jobs. Therefore, without support, they may non be able to do their feelings known and so screening and or intervention may be denied. The demand for support to let them to take as normal a life as their abilities allow and to entree services, has a fiscal cost to society. The belief that people with larning disablements, are a fiscal load to society, and non supplying relevant support is grounds of favoritism ) Adults with Learning Disabilities are more likely to develop wellness jobs. Therefore, without support, they may non be able to do their feelings known and so screening and or intervention may be denied. The demand for support to let them to take as normal a life as their abilities allow and to entree services, has a fiscal cost to society. The belief that people with larning disablements, are a fiscal load to society, and non supplying relevant support is grounds of favoritism . The impact of favoritism on my client group can ensue in exclusion and marginalisation. Psychologically that can ensue in depression, low self- regard, defeat, or anger. Causing their behaviour to be affected, by them going withdrawn or violent. The impact of favoritism on my client group can ensue in exclusion and marginalisation. Psychologically that can ensue in depression, low self- regard, defeat, or anger. Causing their behaviour to be affected, by them going withdrawn or violent. Through statute law, societal attention organisations now have to be more accountable and have increasing duties to compose and keep policy and processs. These have to follow with current statute law and exist to protect people`s rights and guarantee quality services are provided. Our policies and processs must hold specific guidelines, for illustration, they cover confidentiality and privateness, equal chances, wellness and safety, maltreatment policies, lone working patterns, activity planning and reappraisals and hazard appraisal and direction. I have a duty to read the organisations policy and processs exhaustively and incorporate them into my pattern. I should question any uncertainnesss and describe any violations. If I am uneasy about the pattern of others within the organisation or within any other bureau I come into contact with, I must describe to my line director and seek advice. My director has a duty to bring forth these policies and processs guaranting they incorporate current statute law. Management ensures that staff and service users have easy entree to them. Discussion and contemplation of policies and processs to guarantee they are justified and explained to staff is encouraged. Mentions. Elizabeth Bingham + . ( 2009 ) . Social Care: Group Award Graded Unit. In: HeinemannHNC in Social Care. Edinburgh: Heinemann. 147. Elizabeth Bingham + . ( 2009 ) . Psychological positions and Theories on development and demands. In: HeinemannHNC in Social Care. Edinburgh: Heinemann. 86-89. hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // releases-2005/14-july-2005/ ? locale=en

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Heinrich Isaac

and grew to be broadly known as the chorale O Welt, ich muss dich lassen (O world, I now must leave thee). When first listening to that song, it was better tha... Free Essays on Heinrich Isaac Free Essays on Heinrich Isaac Heinrich Isaac was a South Netherlandish composer of the Renaissance, who is not as well known as his contemporaries. He was among Josquin des Prez, Jacob Obrecht, Pierre de La Rue, and Alexander Agricola as a well-known Franco-Flemish composer. According to The New Grove Dictionary for Music and Musicians, Isaac competed with Josquin des Prez for employment at the Este court of Ferrara. Although, Josquin was chosen, a court agent â€Å"reported favourably about Isaac who ‘would compose whenever asked’ and not as he pleased like Josquin (Grove 577). His birth date is questionable, but is estimated as being between 1450 and 1455. He died in 1517 in Florence where he had spent most of his time since 1501. Except for some training and experience in the Low Countries, his musical education is not known, nor his social background. Although he did not attend a college or university, his regular education is assumed to have been exceptional. Isaac’s three main musical employments were with S Giovanni in Florence (1485), Lorenzo de’ Medici (1484 – 1492), and Maximilian I, King of the Romans (1497) (Grout and Palisca 170). Medici supposedly arranged the marriage of Isaac to Bartolomea Bello, a Florintine artisan’s daughter (Grove 577). His musical productivity is large and wide-ranging. He wrote 50 motets, 36 mass cycles, 13 independent settings of the Credo, 16 masses based on borrowed melodies, at least 20 further cycles based on the corresponding plainchant or the Ordinary of the Mass, and numerous French songs, love songs, and German lieder. Isaac is best known for his German lieder Innsbruck, ich muss dich lassen, which is found in the Norton Anthology of Music on pages 149 – 151. The melody of this German lied was eventually adapted to sacred words and grew to be broadly known as the chorale O Welt, ich muss dich lassen (O world, I now must leave thee). When first listening to that song, it was better tha...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Better Discipline With a Sample Behavior Contract

Better Discipline With a Sample Behavior Contract Every classroom has at least a few children who are need of a little extra attention. This may be because they are disrupting the teacher or the other students or just over challenging to handle. Whatever the case may be, teachers have found behavior contacts to be an effective way to reach these types of students. Here are a few quick tips for using behavior contracts in your classroom as well as an example of how you can create one of your own. Using Behavior Contracts Here are 3 tips for implementing behavior contracts into your classroom. Make sure that you follow each of these tips to ensure that the contract is a success. Keep them Simple: Organize the contract so that it is simple and easy for the child to read. Make sure that it is clear and concise and  the student can easily understand it.Set Attainable Goals: Make sure that they goals are easy for the student to reach. The easier the goal is the easier the child will buy into the contract.Be Consistent: It is essential that you are consistent with the contract. If the student sees that you are not, then they will think that they can get away with inappropriate behavior, and that is the last thing that you want.   Sample Contract Student Name:_________________________Date:_________________________Room:_________________________ [Student name] will demonstrate good behaviors each day at school. [Student name] is expected to follow the teachers directions the first time she asks him to do something. He/she is expected to do so promptly and with a good attitude. Each time that [Student name] does not meet these expectations, he/she will receive a tally mark for the day on the tracking sheet. These tally marks will determine the rewards and consequences that [Student name] receives, as shown below. Zero tallies in one day A chance to roll the die after school for one of the rewards listed belowOne tally in one day Does not get a chance to roll the die that dayTwo or more tallies in one day Loss of recess the next day and/or other consequences as determined by Mrs. Lewis (number rolled on a die) 1 One table point for his table2 One raffle ticket for monthly class drawing3 One piece of candy4 Gets to be first in line for the next school day5 Gets to help teacher after school that afternoon6 Five marbles for the class marble jar We agree to the terms of this behavior contract as set forth above. ___________________[Teacher Signature] ___________________[Parent Signature] ___________________[Student Signature]

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Assignment 2 Individual Reflection to the module of Strategic Essay

Assignment 2 Individual Reflection to the module of Strategic Management - Essay Example ective of this model is that it gives the future consultants tools set for adaptation to reforming imperatives and managing changes (Ackermann & Eden 1998). Strategic management is the process meant to draft, implement and evaluate functional decisions that enables an organisation to achieve its long term goals. Ackermann & Eden (1998) states that strategic management involves the mission, vision, objectives as well as policies designed to achieve these set objectives. This model has got various theories and model. These include; Porters five forces. These forces determine the competitive intensity and attractiveness of the market. To begin with we look at the threat of new competitors. In a market situation especially a profitable one, may result to high output that attracts investors and therefore decrease the market share. To deal with this problem, a manager needs to set up objectives and strategies that will maintain their customers. These strategies may include customer loyalty. Another force is the rivalry between existing firms. This is where firms operating on the same level compete for market share and profitability (Ackermann & Eden 1998). Managers set up strategies based on price, quality and innovation of brand names. Competition can mostly be avoided through technological progress. Bargaining power of buyers is also categorised in the porter’s five forces of strategic management. It can be defined as the ability of the buyers to make the firm run under pressure. It also involves the bargaining power of suppliers and the threats of substitutes that affect a market situation. In reference to the above models, I think the perceived strengths would be insisting on customers’ royalty. This is because the customer will always be right. If this objective is enhanced then there will be increase in market share as well as firm’s output. The weakness of practicing this model is that most firms would not afford raw materials such as capital to influence

Columbus first voyage, 1493 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Columbus first voyage, 1493 - Essay Example The author has rightly presented that Christopher Columbus was a navigator and explorer whose mission was to explore to the Indies. During his exploration, Columbus sailed to different locations including the west across the Atlantic Ocean. He had difficulty obtaining support for his plan because European thought the Earth was flat. Columbus’ first journey and discovery were a remarkable event in world history because of its extensive importance. Columbus discovery of the Indies expanded knowledge of the sea and trade routes. His discovery of the wealth in Indies initiated success for most European countries such as Spain in trade and other commercial activities. In addition, Columbus’ discovery motivated other explorers to embark on other voyages that marked the Era of Discovery. New opportunities for commerce were developed for European. Based on reports about Columbus first voyage in 1493, the mission initiated several discoveries and trade among European nations. In his letter, Columbus notified Lord Gabriel Sanchis of his discovery of the islands of India. He expressed the pleasure of having successfully completed the mission to discover the great islands of the sea. His discovery was a plausible step towards opening up avenues of trade. In the Indiana Sea, Columbus discovered islands inhabited by a great population. Columbus named the various islands discovered in the Indiana Sea. These included the islands of Fernandina, Isabella, Juana and Santa Maria. Juana was an extensive island and, therefore, named the province of Cathay.  

Friday, October 18, 2019

Hispanic American Diversity College Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Hispanic American Diversity College - Essay Example All the four groups uphold rich cultural identities even if they are clustered in a similar domain on the platform of language popularly referred to as Hispanic Americans. These groups share Spanish language although they have distinct dialects with a phonetically varied composition of similar words that are spelled and pronounced the have having exhibiting different meanings. For instance, sopa means soup in some countries, whereas meaning soap in different countries. The Mexican American language is composed of both Spanish and English, which has been colloquially branded as Spanglish. On the political perspective the Mexican Americans have been very proactive especially in mooting and championing the Mexican American Civil Rights movement that was enhanced and frontiered by Mendoza V Reies lopez Tijerina. They have been impeccable in agitating for the land grants through the words of Rodolfo 'Corky' Gonzales who derives the implicit behind Chicano through his apocalyptic poem; I am Joaquin, embraces Cesar Chavez and the farm workers. The movement is known as Mendoza, V. "The Mexican American Civil Rights Movement" which advocates for myriad issues across the board. This ranges from enactment of land grants, rights to farm workers, comprehensive education systems and also have been vocal in agitating for the political and voting rights. The social context ingrained in the consciousnes... According to Huntington, numbers reported from the National Latino Political Survey, conducted at towards the end of 1980 indicated that only 90 percent of Mexican Americans of any generation don't go beyond high school. The survey also indicates that only four percent of the fourth generation attained the baccalaureate; 40 percent of the entire generation fails to obtain the high diploma, while only 10 percent of the fourth generation went beyond high school. However the Mexican immigrants to American have experienced monumental resistance in trying to gear forth for their absorption from the immigrant status into the mainstream social class. In regard to the discriminatory and poor educational systems that they were offered, the Mexican Americans find it had to get incorporated into the American mainstream lifestyle. Economically, Mexican Americans are getting on fairly in respect to the predominant Mexican American Civil rights movement that they agitated before. However fair competition, substantial wages and holistic benefits remain a dream come true for the Mexican Americans The families in the Mexican American setup are especially centered on the grandparents with a keen attention on the grandmother. They are rather staple when it comes to family. In the traditional aspect Grandmothers have been known in feeding and healing of patients. They also knew stories foods and stuff and even language. American Christmas traditions are copied from their traditions. This includes the traditional Mexican posada, a house to house celebration of song and food that replicates. Puerto Ricans. The Puerto Ricans language is primarily Spanish. According to the research findings the Puerto

Arguing to Convince Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Arguing to Convince - Assignment Example However, the continued extent of freedom has being transferred to the formal set-up whereby individuals believe that restricting them to certain norms in the formal set-up is anyway violating the extent to which they can express their rights and freedoms. Therefore, to maintain their guaranteed rights and freedoms as well as the level of openness, the American modern culture has slowly been promoting a relaxation of restrictions that are normally associated with the formal set-up such as workplaces or formal meetings. This present essay intends to persuade or convince the readers that informality is a positive move towards a more open and natural society. Secondly, the essay will present arguments favoring or agreeing to live in an informal atmosphere. Formalities in the formal set-up According to Clemente, formal practices or behaviors are part of the tradition and culture and therefore, they are things that are passed from one generation to another, with the expectation that those who adhere to these formal practices or behaviors in a formal set-up are showing a high level of discipline and diligence (78-82). Kinosian stated that these formal practices and behaviors are associated with a particular set-up, atmosphere or environment whereby individuals are expected to adopt a particularly different set of behaviors and practices that are totally different with how they interact at home or in informal set-ups (549-551). Rapp and Jackson on their part stated that the formal practices and behaviors are part of the bureaucracies that are associated with formal set-up, where in a great extent there is existence of some form of restrictions to the individuals’ rights and freedoms (103-109). According to Smith, some of the rights that are in a greater extent limited due to the requirement of formal practices and behaviors include the freedom of dressing and speech. The freedom of dressing is restricted in the sense that individuals are limited in the type of c lothes they wear or how they can dress when going to a formal place or attending a formal function. While freedom of speech is limited in the sense that certain words or body of language are restricted in used in the formal set-up (176-181). Kinosian stated that the insistence of adhering to these formal practices or behaviors stifles individuals from fully expressing themselves and fully enjoying their rights and freedom, and it encourages people to have two different sides of characters that may greatly differ, which means that they facilitate people not be open and fully understood by others (549-551). Informality as part of the culture Kinosian stated that formality is part of the traditions and culture, however, informality has become part of the culture because there have been a continued reform of most cultures especially those that were considered retrogressive (549-551). The reforms on most of the world’s culture have been initiated by the heightened extent of global ization, which has enabled people from different cultures to interact thereby refine their individual cultures in order to adopt a common culture that does not lay great emphasis on formalities. Moreover, formalities limits the extent to which two different strangers may get to know each other because formal practices do not encourage probing and there is a strict guideline on how formal communication should take place. Therefore, people should agree to live in an informal atmosphere because it

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Learning theories Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Learning theories - Research Paper Example Teachers are regularly struck with suggestions for reforms. They are often asked to use different curricula, new assessment and novel teaching strategies. They are constantly been directed to prepare learners for new standardized test or to assess learner’s work by way of conducting portfolios and performance assessments. They are often advised to practice research based approaches to teach learners in order to enhance their performances (Wilson & Peterson, 2006). Traditionally, learning was perceived as just acquisition of skills and knowledge whereas currently, the concept has been viewed to include emotional as well as social and various societal dimensions. Additionally, learning theories attempts to describe and understand the various ways in which the people learn. Very often, the theories are considered to be the important resource of the educational research as they have the potential to guide in constructing new educational approaches and analyzing along with improvin g the existing approaches and trends (Navarro & Hoek, n.d.). With this concern, the paper intends to critically explore three learning theories of Malcolm Knowles’s learning theory of andragogy, transformative learning theory of Jack Mezirow and experiential learning theory belonging to D. A. Kolb. Brief Explanation of Theories Malcolm Shepherd Knowles and the Theory of Andragogy Malcolm shepherd Knowles is often been considered as the fundamental figure in the segment of adult education particularly in the region of United States during the middle of twentieth century. During the year 1950, he was assigned with the responsibility of Executive Director of the Adult Education Association of the US. The first work of Knowles was termed as informal adult education. Later, he developed a unique theoretical basis for adult education and learning through highlighting upon the notion of andragogy. This work of his was greatly appreciated in the US. Furthermore, his work was consider ed to be the crucial factor that has contributed in changing the views of adult teachers from ‘educating people’ to ‘helping them learn’. Knowles was able to convince that learning practices of adults are different from those of children. He was engaged in building inclusive theory concerning with adult learning that was closely related with the features of adult learners. Earlier work of Knowles concerning ‘informal adult education’ had postulated certain basic elements of process as well as settings. Later, he intended to combine all the elements in order to propose new conceptual basis for improving the adult learning practices. The mechanism or the learning theory that postulated by him was termed as andragogy. According to Knowles, the theory concerning andragogy was primarily based upon four pioneer assumptions that were based upon the characteristics of adult learners. These assumptions were related with the adult learners that are quite dissimilar from the assumptions that dealt with the children learners (Mark K. Smith, 2002). Later, a fifth assumption was added to the theory. Thus, the five basic assumptions relating to andragogy theory that developed by Knowles have been portrayed hereunder. Self-Concept According to Knowles, the maturity that occurs in an individual with the passage of times lead towards self-concept moves wherein an individual tends to become more self-directed person from being a reliant personality (Mark K. Smith, 2002). Experience Similarly, Knowles admitted that as an individual becomes

Revolutions that caused the most change in western society and culture Term Paper - 1

Revolutions that caused the most change in western society and culture - Term Paper Example The transition from agrarian society to trade and commerce which required skilled labor, led to higher productive outcome. The division of labor was focused on technology based specialized skills which could be efficiently exploited within the industries to enhance productivity. Industrial revolution was important breakthrough in manufacturing process as it mechanized the production process through new techniques, machineries and methods into the industrial areas. Through the invention of steam engine, railroad system was created which facilitated transportation of goods and services across wider regions, thus developing stronger network of market for goods across the nations. The industrial revolution brought in radical changes in the socio-political and cultural arenas. Work experience was transformed through technology which not only increased productivity but also offered new opportunities of work to the people, thereby increasing family income. The easy transportation provided people with greater varieties of goods and therefore made markets more competitive. Most importantly, the revolution also helped people to travel greater distances and interact with people coming from different culture, race and color. Indeed, innovations in the field of consumer goods and luxury items significantly impacted the lifestyle of the people who quickly adopted technology within their lives. The American Revolution (1775-1783) is considered as one of the key events in the annals of the history of contemporary times because it brought into existence, the world’s most powerful, developed and wealthy nation. The revolution changed the very dynamics of political geography of the world when defeat of the British forces led to the independence of 13 British colonies of North and forming United States of America. The democratic tenets of American constitution greatly facilitated the changing socio-economic

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Learning theories Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Learning theories - Research Paper Example Teachers are regularly struck with suggestions for reforms. They are often asked to use different curricula, new assessment and novel teaching strategies. They are constantly been directed to prepare learners for new standardized test or to assess learner’s work by way of conducting portfolios and performance assessments. They are often advised to practice research based approaches to teach learners in order to enhance their performances (Wilson & Peterson, 2006). Traditionally, learning was perceived as just acquisition of skills and knowledge whereas currently, the concept has been viewed to include emotional as well as social and various societal dimensions. Additionally, learning theories attempts to describe and understand the various ways in which the people learn. Very often, the theories are considered to be the important resource of the educational research as they have the potential to guide in constructing new educational approaches and analyzing along with improvin g the existing approaches and trends (Navarro & Hoek, n.d.). With this concern, the paper intends to critically explore three learning theories of Malcolm Knowles’s learning theory of andragogy, transformative learning theory of Jack Mezirow and experiential learning theory belonging to D. A. Kolb. Brief Explanation of Theories Malcolm Shepherd Knowles and the Theory of Andragogy Malcolm shepherd Knowles is often been considered as the fundamental figure in the segment of adult education particularly in the region of United States during the middle of twentieth century. During the year 1950, he was assigned with the responsibility of Executive Director of the Adult Education Association of the US. The first work of Knowles was termed as informal adult education. Later, he developed a unique theoretical basis for adult education and learning through highlighting upon the notion of andragogy. This work of his was greatly appreciated in the US. Furthermore, his work was consider ed to be the crucial factor that has contributed in changing the views of adult teachers from ‘educating people’ to ‘helping them learn’. Knowles was able to convince that learning practices of adults are different from those of children. He was engaged in building inclusive theory concerning with adult learning that was closely related with the features of adult learners. Earlier work of Knowles concerning ‘informal adult education’ had postulated certain basic elements of process as well as settings. Later, he intended to combine all the elements in order to propose new conceptual basis for improving the adult learning practices. The mechanism or the learning theory that postulated by him was termed as andragogy. According to Knowles, the theory concerning andragogy was primarily based upon four pioneer assumptions that were based upon the characteristics of adult learners. These assumptions were related with the adult learners that are quite dissimilar from the assumptions that dealt with the children learners (Mark K. Smith, 2002). Later, a fifth assumption was added to the theory. Thus, the five basic assumptions relating to andragogy theory that developed by Knowles have been portrayed hereunder. Self-Concept According to Knowles, the maturity that occurs in an individual with the passage of times lead towards self-concept moves wherein an individual tends to become more self-directed person from being a reliant personality (Mark K. Smith, 2002). Experience Similarly, Knowles admitted that as an individual becomes

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Politics essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Politics - Essay Example The Marxist theory, laid down by Karl Marx, is an ardent follower of a class structure within the state. Marx said that there remained a vast demarcation between the capitalist and the socialist structures of society and in order for the weaker sections to rise; there normatively should be a revolution on part of the working class. The capitalist society exploited the working classes with respect to power and wealth and used the labour in order to gain more and more resources and climb the social ladder. They were not concerned about the plight of the working class at all. Thus, all the political power rested within the hands of the capitalists. The questions however remained, could the working class not rise and abolish the suffering that it was subjected to by the capitalists, overnight? â€Å"Certainly, on paper, the working class could do away with the state However, this would be only a formal, juridical act to the extent that the workers had not seized power in a society already so rich and with such an abundance of material goods and services that social conflicts as such, that is, centring on the distribution of these products, could disappear; and that the necessity for arbiters, watchdogs, police, to control all that chaos disappeared at the same time as did the relative scarcity of goods. This has never happened in the past and it is hardly likely that it ever will.† (Mendel, Ernest) The main reason for Marx’s theory was to establish how power was divided between the ‘haves’ and the ‘have-nots’ of society; how there was a competition for the scarce resources that existed and how the politically powerful capitalists were the ones that had gained access to everything. The working class could only hope to gain some important by abolishing the existing state in order to themselves regulate the conflicts that existed among the

Monday, October 14, 2019

George Blacks The Trout Pool Paradox Essay Example for Free

George Blacks The Trout Pool Paradox Essay It’s hard to imagine that three rivers, running so purely for so many years could contribute to a damaged environment.   The rivers were created by nature and there was nothing harmful about them.   They only added beauty to their surroundings and who would have ever thought that such beautiful rivers could lend aid to the destruction of the environment? Several people of an older age were asked about the rives effectiveness, now, versus what they used to be and it would quite clear that industry has put a huge damage on our society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Less than two hours from New York, the two Connecticut rivers run in parallel valleys only a few miles apart and they have charted the course of American, environmental, industrial, and our social history and they do have very different results as George Black explains.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Housatonic, The Naugatuck and the Shepaug flow parallel to one another and they are a short distance apart; only a few mile separates the rivers.   There are so many similarities connects these rivers.   Very fast waters and rock filled, these rivers are surrounded by farmland that is extremely prone to flooding.   The town was a great place to start a mill, which could easily turn a small, quiet town into a new revolutionized, booming factory town.   Because, one river only was used, the Naugatuck, it became the  brass and rubber   world capital for the industry.   The Shepaug, ended up being a rural idyll.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The main town of Waterbury, one of the towns and it was even named in (Money Magazine as the most unlivable city in America.) Reference Money Magazine, where the two valleys became polar opposites.   The main town on the Shepaug is Washington, and it has become a terribly expensive get away for people on weekends for a vast amount of the higher classed people of New York.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   George Black made a great attempt to study and explain the â€Å"trout pool paradox† and how these rivers became the focus of an environmentally harmful industry.   George Black looks into the history of these three rivers and talks about the effect that the factories, from the Industrial Revolution affected the people who live near these rivers, and the population who fish, live and spend so much of their time fighting and working to protect the Housatonic and its tributaries, recently.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A hundred years ago the idea of the environment being in jeopardy was never even fathomed.   It was assumed by the people of Connecticut that their way of life would continue, without interruption.   They never imagined that the huge factories that were fed by a waterway could have such a great impact on society.   If they could have foreseen the future, I’m sure something would have been done to discourage the development of the water powered mills that would operate the factories that contributed to the deterioration of the environment.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Man directly had a bad impact on the environment by building the factories and destroying the pureness of the rivers that were written about by George Black.   He could  see that society was directly impacted upon by the dangerous smoke and chemical hazards that were so worried about by him.   He was attempting to study and in by writing about the three rivers in â€Å"The Trout Pool Paradox,† to unveil the dangerous hazards that were brought on my society’s incredible desire to make more money and revolutionize the town in Connecticut.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   George Black says that it is important that we realize that we have come so far in realizing how everyone needs to be aware of steps we each must take to secure that are environment is being tended to and that we are aware of the hazards that the Industrial Revolution have brought upon our land and waters.   He seems generally sincere in the aspect that he cares about our ecosystem.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the last thirty or more years, great attempts have been displayed with concerned people who fight for the ecosystem and spend much of their time being sure that the hazardous pollutants are being directly made known to the public and George Black is one of these concerned individuals who spent time to give his thoughts on the crumbling of the ecosystem by writing â€Å"The Trout Pool Paradox.†Ã‚   He made us look at these rivers and the town in Connecticut and how they remained untouched since the beginning of their existence, and I think it hurt him to see the direct harm that was cast upon these.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The people of America must come together as a team, each agreeing that it takes an entire society of people working together and expressing their concerns about our stream, rivers and towns.   We do have the power as a whole to speak about the dangers that are being forced upon our environment.   If we work together and have meetings and television and radio time to discuss the environment and bring so much more awareness to the idea of protecting our ecosystem.   If we really believe that we have the power to turn things around, I do believe that we can.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It only takes a few people to get things started.   We can each do our part by speaking up and voicing our opinions.   We can demand that hazardous factories be shut down and replaced by more economically friendly ran factories.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   George Black delved into the thoughts of the public of the two communities that were two competing political cultures, and who were generally having a battle with each other over the meaning of running water.   George Black found that each community, each with their own ideas about the way things should be.   He searched into the question of what was the motives and how deep did their feeling run, concerning their environment. He realized how differently the two cultures had expressed their perception of what was going on around them.   He realized that each had different views, and thought it to be incredible that their views could be so different.   He felt after speaking to the people of the areas, that their stories needed to be told and felt that it was important to share his discoveries of the variance in opinions with the public.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   I realize after gathering information that it was important for George Black to fish in the Shepaug watershed which is the main ideal of the trout stream.   It is terrible that only miles away, the Naugatuck is nothing more than a â€Å"chemical sewer† and it even catches on fire, sometimes and it must have been terribly devastating for the community who had once know the river and loved the river for it’s clean flowing water and it’s popularity for fishing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   I don’t think any amount of money in the world is worth wasting a perfectly good river.   There could and should have been a better idea than just destroying our environments and communities because of greed.   The people who built and ran the factories in Connecticut should have take more time and should have performed in-depth studies before they so carelessly and directly aided in the destruction of our environment.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It isn’t too late to try to save our ecosystem.   Even though so much harm has already been done to our rivers, we can still set forth actions by showing our concern for our environment.   We can write to our Congress people.   We can voice our opinion, just as George Black did.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When you view the Shepaug and the Naugatuck, you can’t really just see, with your eyes, their radically different evolution. The main important idea is to understand and to try to talk about how the currents of our natural history and our social history are connected.   We must look at how each of these waterways and ask ourselves, â€Å"How are they intertwined and how do they influence each other in various ways. A great Revolutionary Revolution, or reindustrialization, does not run uniformly through an area in a community just like New England, one river valley and then the next.   There are so many social issues   and changes brought on by the rivers but it is evident that the social issues are the ones that are most important. Events in history have altered life, as we know it, and have made huge impacts on the way we look at these two intertwined rivers. Sometimes our natural history can be changed by a single natural disaster but the idea that one river can be untouched and the other so close to it can completely be destroyed is unthinkable!   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the Housatonic Valley, it is evident that the course of history has been altered to  a great degree. The leaders of the Waterbury brass industry were able to devastate the Naugatuck Valley due to the fact that there was no effective checks on their power.   This neglect has had an impact, as well.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Shephaug continues to flow seemingly untouched, offering some of the best fishing in the country (Houghton Mifflin, April),â€Å"The Trout Pool Paradox† can be used as a way of exploring four hundred years of our history in America.   You could point out different communities in America who have directly been affected by pollutants, and if they were written about and pointed out by other writers, as well as George Black, America could be a safer place to live in and their streams and rivers could be saved. Who knows how many rivers may be under great threat right now, and how one person could write a story such as â€Å"The Trout Pool Paradox† and bring immediate attention to the hazard that a beautiful river or stream might be threatened by.   Just by George Black’s thoughts on the destruction of our environment gives me great appreciation for his concern about our natural surroundings and it gives me a sense of responsibility to my community and to all of American rivers, streams, ponds and lakes. Reference; George Black, The Trout Pool Paradox

Sunday, October 13, 2019

College Admissions Essay: My Dad :: College Admissions Essays

My Dad    In writing about an important person in my life, there are a number of people that I could discuss. But, I feel that the person who is very special to me and one who has been the most influential, is my dad.    He is the type of person that makes me very proud to say that he is my father, and the type of father that I am most fortunate to have. My father and I have always been very close. He is both loving and caring and the type of person that always puts his family first.    My dad has always been there for me both as a parent and a friend. When I was little, my dad got involved in coaching in my little league baseball, basketball and soccer, and always made time for these father and son activities. We liked to play ball together and still do at times. My dad is a big sports fan and so am I, and I look forward to the weekends when we watch the ball games together. My dad started to take my to the ball games when I was about 5 years old, and we've been doing that ever since. But, playing ball isn't all that's important in life. My father has given me the necessary guidance and has taught me values as a person that have helped me develop from a child into a responsible adult. I want him to be proud of me too, and I know that he is.    His influence has been very strong and meaningful, as I have gone through some difficult periods where he has helped me to be more focused on my goals and trying to accomplish what I set out to do. We discuss my problems, try to put them in the right perspective and deal with them properly. As I am still living at home, with my parents and sister, I am constantly

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Creating New Enzyme Actions De Novo Essay -- Biology Catalyst

ABSTRACT Enzymes are molecules, specifically proteins that catalyze chemical reactions. Enzymes, like all catalysts, accelerate the rate of a reaction by lowering the activation energy. Nucleic acid RNA molecules called ribozymes can also act as enzymes and catalyze reactions. The development of new enzymes for the synthesis of chemical reactions, pharmaceuticals, and tools for molecular biology is a new and upcoming interest. Work has previously been done in the development for modifying and improving already existing enzymes. There is also much to still learn involving the designs and evolution of enzymes because it is greatly reliant on extensive knowledge of the mechanisms of these reactions. In this paper it is shown that new enzymatic activities can be created de novo, which means from scratch or very differently. There is no need for previous mechanistic information. This is done by selecting from a naive protein library, or one in which it is not designed to do what they are actually doing with it. This library is made up of a trillion different proteins with different amino acid sequences, so there is not much need for a plan. Messenger RNA, RNA used specifically to translate proteins, display is used and the proteins are covalently linked to their encoding mRNA, meaning that they share stable chemical bonds and are tethered to each other. Functional proteins are selected from an in vitro translated protein library. This is not an obvious way to link the genetic information that encodes it together. It is done without constraints imposed by any in vivo step, which simplifies the process when it is in vitro. This specific technique has been used to evolve short or small proteins called peptides as well as specific prote... ...enzymes is much less guided process. Future research will involve continuing to optimize the enzyme’s activity, i.e., seeing if they can get it to catalyze RNA ligation even faster. Sources Cited Denison, R. Ford. "Evolving enzymes in the lab." Weblog entry. 11 Sept. 2007. This Week in Evolution. 15 Nov. 2007 . "Researchers Evolve Artificial Enzymes in the Laboratory." HHMI Research News. 16 Aug. 2007. Howard Hughes Medical Inst. 14 Nov. 2007 . Sadava, David E., et al. Life the Science of Biology. 8th ed. USA: The Courier†¨Companies Inc, 2008 Seelig, Burckhard, and Jack W. Szostak. "Selection and evolution of enzymes from a partially randomized non-catalytic scaffold." Nature 448 (Aug. 2007): 828-833.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Broken Eggs Essay

The young girl’s body is slumped upon an elevated surface, while her head is tilted to the left at a forty-degree angle. She is draped in a sheer, white blouse and apron, covering a yellow corset and light blue dress. A periwinkle scarf on her head keeps her blonde hair pulled away from her face, revealing her luminescent skin – lit up magnificently by the thin stream of light making its way through the window to her right – and innocent features. The girl’s expression seems to be of pure grief, as she looks down towards the egg basket on the floor; it’s as if she has lost something very dear. This young girl is perhaps saddened at the fact that the egg basket has dropped to the ground and the eggs are now broken. However, the other subject matter in the painting alludes to a larger scale of loss. Immediately above the girl’s left shoulder, a man – appearing about equal in age – stands with his body swaying to his right. His rig ht hip is pointed in the direction of the far left corner of the room, while his head is tilted forty degrees to the right, in the opposite direction of the young girl’s. One could draw a line straight down the middle of the painting and see that there is symmetry between the young girl’s, and man’s, head. The egg basket is centered in between them, creating a focus on la scà ¨ne du crime; a sun hat with a girlish ribbon around it lies delicately next to the basket, where countless white eggs lay broken, spewing yellow yolk. As one zeroes in on this fragment of the painting, it is important to take note of its specific mise en scà ¨ne. In other words, the placing of the small sun hat next to the basket allows the artist to better tell a story of innocence, and imaginably the shattered eggs define the loss of that purity. It is essential to mention the style and structure of the painting before going any further with the subject matter. The brushstrokes when conveying the foreground of the painting are smooth and seamless. However, on the wall in the background the strokes appear harsh and horizontal, creating a rough texture in contrast with the character’s skin and clothes. The brown color scheme of the background is uniform throughout, in accordance with the light coming into the very small and dingy room. There is a picnic table behind the young girl and its scale accurately contributes to the probable size of the room. The ceiling is high which suggests that the scene takes place in the servant’s quarters of a wealthy estate.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Do Men make Better managers than Women? Essay

Only in the last century have more esteemed jobs been allocated to women, in light of the women-rights movement. Even though pay between men and women is still unequal and gender discrimination at the workplace is still imminent, the improvement in the opportunities of women to maintain high ranking jobs in the last century has been drastic. However in certain occupations, such as that of the manager, inequality is even firmer, as shown in studies detailing the sex ratio of managers (Vinniecombe and Colwil, 1995). This phenomenon does not advise that men are more suitable managers, as women are especially disadvantaged in more commonly masculine workplaces, like a managerial role. Rise to new managerial styles and a decrease in prejudice towards women may even prove women to be the more effective managers, or at least equally effective, as men. When it comes to the occupancy of the manager, Women are still more unlikely to hold the position than in other relatively higher job positions, with only about 10 % of management positions in Europe being held by Women, further of those the grand majority lie in the lower management ranks (Vinnicombe and Colwill, 1995). The implication of these figures are either that discrimination is rife in the world of management, or that the qualities that are commonly regarded as necessary for a successful manager are mostly masculine characteristics, including â€Å"drive, objectivity and an authoritative manner† (Wajcman, 1998 pg 55). Therefore it would seem that men have a natural advantage to being a strong manager. Nonetheless, in recent times certain developments in organization theory, including human resource management and Japanese management have indicated that a more effective management needs a â€Å"softer edge and a more people-orientated approach† (Wajcman, 1988 pg 55). The main characteristics of women are commonly seen as â€Å"affectionate, helpful, friendly, kind soft-spoken, sympathetic and gentle† (Barreto, Ryan and Schmitt, 2009 pg 23). Thus, this new concept of a productive manager would pertain more to women. However, as mentioned before, the ratio of female to male managers in lower management positions is still dramatically unbalanced, with higher management positions being only very rarely awarded to women, with an average of 5 % in Europe; even only 2% in England, (Vinnicombe and Colwill, 1995 pg3). This imbalance suggests that the traditionally ideal masculine manager approach is still preferred by the majority of firms and unfortunately only government enforced â€Å"Equal opportunities action plans† have really made a significant difference in the sex ratio of managers. These positive action initiatives have been launched by several countries in the last few decades, as for instance Denmark in 1989 which found that it made a two percent increase in female managers over the course of a year, (Vinnicombe and Colwill, 1995). Hence without the aid of government policies, it will take extremely long for women to be equally represented in managerial roles. That the traditional masculine view of the manager is still vastly more popular than the newer managerial perception which would be more suitable for females, is not only shown by the stagnant change of the gender representation, but also by the characteristics of the few females who hold top managerial positions. Whilst high ranking male managers behave in accordance to the stereotypical male traits, women who have made it to the top mostly act in their profession in a masculine manner, almost indistinguishable from their male counterparts ((Wajcman, 1998). Thus, the few Women who have made it to the manager positions have intentionally acted in a masculine manner in order to succeed (Wajcman, 1998). This indicates that the contemporary feminine managerial style has only been implemented extremely rarely, and that in the extensive majority of cases in order to maintain a top ranking manager position one must exert masculine characteristics. Research shows that this feminine approach, also referred to as â€Å"transformational leadership style†, is often more useful than the traditional management style, especially in firms with more feminine employees (Barreto, Ryan and Schmitt, 2009). The fact that the feminine managerial style is thus by many regarded as at least as effective as the traditional style, if not more, yet still barely ever used seems to lie in the explanation of prejudice and discrimination. Tragically, prejudice and discrimination effects equality in the workplace in exponential ways, from the very choice women make when choosing a career, such as being dissuaded from a manager career as it is seen as a masculine position, to the fact that many firms want a man as a manager as they fear a woman may not be treated with the same respect and authority from the employees (Barreto, Ryan and Schmitt). Such prejudice and discrimination cannot simply be vanquished through stricter discrimination laws, the only truly effective mechanism until now has been positive action initiatives by Governments, which for instance in Scandinavian countries has dramatically increased the representation of Women in management(Vinnicome and Colwill, 1998. In theory, women are at least equally suitable for the role of a manager. Sadly in practice women are at a disadvantage in attaining any management position, and once that position is maintained women have a much harder time being an effective manager. The reason for this is a lack of respect of some subordinates who don’t see a woman as enough of an authority. Though woman can be just as effective managers as men, ingrained prejudice and discrimination, affecting how a female manager is seen and treated by her subordinates, may make her less of a successful manager. If women will be more common in manager positions, over time people will get used to a female manager and the prejudice and discrimination will most likely decrease. Thus positive action programs by governments, may be essential to decreasing prejudice and discrimination and making it possible for women to not just theoretically be equal or even better managers than men, but also in practice.